{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "id": 374, "name": "u105 Broad-leaved Peppermint \u2013 Brittle Gum \u2013 Red Stringybark tall shrub-grass dry sclerophyll open forest of lower ranges", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "The ACT Vegetation Map classifies native and derived vegetation across the ACT at 1:10,000 scale into 64 plant communities. Vegetation communities are geographical units with similar association of plant species. The product also includes canopy cover and height variables based on 2015 ACT LiDAR data. Vegetation maps are important tools for characterising the landscape, informing policy and providing information for land and habitat management plans, including to help identify threats and risks to biodiversity and help prioritise protection of important ecological values in our landscape. This product will enable evidence-based decision-making at a broad regional, local and property planning scale in the ACT. It will also formulate a new baseline for future change detection in the landscape.\n\nMethod: In the ACT Vegetation Map, native and derived vegetation across the entire ACTwas classified into 64 plant communities using the classificationdescribed by Armstrong et al 2013, in addition to three newly described ACT specific communities (Baines et al 2013). Mapping was completed using aerial imagery and stereo pair interpretation (2012-2015), extensive field work, collation of consultant reports and supplemental structural and canopy height datasets extracted from the 2015 ACT LiDAR capture at 1-5m grid resolution (van Dijk et al 2017 - in draft). The work expands on the vegetation mapping completed for the Kowen, Majura and Jerrabomberra districts of the ACT (Baines et al 2013). \n\nThe product includes the following attributes :\n\nUMC_ID \u2013 Upper Murrumbidgee Catchment vegetation ID (unique vegetation code) (after Armstrong et al 2013)\nVEG_COMM \u2013 vegetation community name (after Armstrong et al 2013 and Baines et al 2013)\nTREESp1-3 \u2013 dominant tree species\nSHRUBSp1-3 \u2013 dominant shrub species\nGROUNDSp1-3 \u2013 dominant ground cover species\nCANOPYCOVER \u2013 canopy cover % (based on 1m 2015 LiDAR canopy cover model)\nHEIGHT_MEAN \u2013 mean canopy height (>3m) (based on 1m 2015 LiDAR canopy height model)\nUNDERCOVER \u2013 understory/shrubcover % (1-3m) (based on 5m LiDAR understory fractional cover model \u2013 van Djik 2017 in press)\nSTRUCTURE \u2013 overall vegetation community structure \u2013 e.g. woodland, forest, grassland\nFORMATION \u2013 Keith Formation - broad classification of native vegetation type in NSW and ACT. Formation can be further divided into Keith Class (Keith 2004).\nCLASS \u2013 Keith Class- vegetation class (Keith 2004).\n\nThis product should be used in conjunction with ACT Soil Landscapes, Hydrogeology and Land hazard mapping available on Actmapi, geological mapping provided by Geoscience Australia, and ACT derived LiDAR products including digital elevation model (DEM), slope and aspect (available CCBY 4.0).\n\nUpdates: Version 2018.v1. The product will be updated as required when new information is available to improve accuracy of the product and to reflect changes and disturbance to vegetation, especially in the urban environment.\n\nFit for purpose: Mapped at 1:10,000. This scale is for use at scales ranging from broad regional planning to local planning and property planning.\n\nReferences: \nArmstrong et al (2013). Plant communities of the upper Murrumbidgee catchment in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Cunninghamia13(1): 125-265 (2013).\nBaines et al (2013). The vegetation of the Kowen, Majura and Jerrabomberra Districts of the Australian Capital Territory. Technical Report 28 prepared for Conservation Planning and Research, ACT Government.\nvan Dijk (2017in draft). Landscape Observatory. TERN & Fenner School of Environment & Society, Australian National University 2017.\nKeith (2004). Ocean Shores to Desert Dunes. The Native Vegetation of the New South Wales and the ACT. 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