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Legend (ACT_ENVIRONMENT/vegetation_mapping)

a2 Alpine Baeckea – Swamp Heath – Candle Heath – Sphagnum cristatum wet heathland of the Australian Alps bioregion (369)
a8 Carex gaudichaudiana – Myriophyllum pedunculatum – Deschampsia cespitosa sedgeland of the Australian Alps bioregion (368)
a14 Prickly Snow Grass – Fen Sedge subalpine valley grassland (367)
a33 Leafy Bossiaea – Mountain Cassinia – Mueller’s Kunzea – Mountain Purplepea heathland (366)
a54 Mountain Plum Pine – Kosciuszko Rose heathland of screes and boulder-fields (365)
g36 Alpine Teatree – Mueller’s Kunzea – Burgan dry heathland on skeletal ridges primarily of the Namadgi region (364)
p10 Black She-oak – Silvertop Ash tall shrubby dry sclerophyll open forest (382)
p14 Red Stringybark – Scribbly Gum – Red-anthered Wallaby Grass tall grass-shrub dry sclerophyll open forest on loamy ridges (381)
p23 Red Stringybark – Broad-leaved Peppermint tall dry sclerophyll grassy open forest on loamy rises (380)
q1 Drooping She-oak low woodland to open forest on shallow infertile hillslopes in the Australian Capital Territory and surrounds (379)
u18 Mealy Bundy – Broad-leaved Peppermint shrubby mid-high open forest on granite substrates (378)
u21 Broad-leaved Peppermint – Candlebark tall dry sclerophyll open forest of quartz-rich ranges (377)
u29 Apple Box – Broad-leaved Peppermint tall shrub-grass open forest primarily on granitoids (376)
u66 Mealy Bundy – Red Stringybark grass-forb mid-high open forest (375)
u105 Broad-leaved Peppermint – Brittle Gum – Red Stringybark tall shrub-grass dry sclerophyll open forest of lower ranges (374)
u150 Broad-leaved Peppermint – Mountain Gum shrubby tall open forest (373)
u152 Robertson’s Peppermint – Red Stringybark very tall grass-forb sheltered open forest (372)
u165 Robertson’s Peppermint very tall shrubby open forest (371)
u191 Black Cypress Pine – Brittle Gum tall dry open forest on hills (370)
AFV Aquatic fringing vegetation (388)
a9 Fen Sedge – Small River Buttercup – Common Reed aquatic herbfield of waterways (387)
e59 Small-fruited Hakea – Mountain Baeckea – Swamp Teatree subalpine wet heathland on escarpment and eastern tableland ranges (386)
L12 Freshwater sedge-herb marsh of shallow, commonly inundated wetlands (385)
u173 River Red Gum ± Apple Box very tall grass-forb riparian woodland on alluvial flats (384)
u193 Small-fruited Hakea – Drumstick Heath – Swamp Heath subalpine wet heathland (383)
u181 River Bottlebrush – Burgan rocky riparian tall shrubland (390)
p32d River She-oak riparian forest on sand-gravel alluvial soils along major watercourses (389)
u52 Ribbon Gum – Robertson’s Peppermint very tall wet sclerophyll open forest (393)
u53 Mountain Gum – Blackwood tall wet sclerophyll open forest primarily on granitoids (392)
u239 Alpine Ash – Mountain Gum ± Snow Gum wet sclerophyll open forest (391)
q6 Red Box tall grass-shrub woodlands primarily on hillslopes and footslopes in the Australian Capital Territory (405)
u19 Blakely’s Red Gum – Yellow Box tall grassy woodland (404)
u22 Mountain Gum – Snow Gum ± Robertson’s Peppermint grass-forb very tall woodland to open forest (403)
u23 Snow Gum – Drumstick Heath – Myrtle Teatree tall woodland to open forest of drainage depressions (402)
u27 Snow Gum – Candlebark tall grassy woodland (401)
u28 Snow gum – Mountain gum – Daviesia mimosoides tall dry grass-shrub subalpine open forest (400)
u78 Snow Gum grassy mid-high woodland (399)
u118 Black Sallee grass-herb woodland in drainage depression and moist valley flats (398)
u158 Alpine Sallee shrub-grass subalpine mid-high woodland (397)
u178 Yellow Box ± Apple Box tall grassy woodland (396)
u207 Jounama Snow Gum – Snow Gum shrubby mid-high woodland on granitoids primarily of the Namadgi region (395)
p520 Ribbon Gum very tall woodland on alluvial soils along drainage lines (394)
NTG Natural Temperate Grassland (408)
r1 Sub-montane moist tussock grassland (407)
r2 River Tussock – Kangaroo Grass – Rush wet tussock grassland of footslopes, drainage lines and flats (406)
APE Amenity planting exotic (422)
APN Amenity planting native (421)
ARB Arboriculture (420)
EPN Environmental planting native (419)
DNF Derived native forest (418)
DNS Derived native shrubland (417)
DNW Derived native woodland (416)
EXF Exotic forest (415)
EXS Exotic shrubland (414)
EXW Exotic woodland (413)
PLE Plantation exotic (412)
PWR Power easement (411)
EXG Exotic grassland (410)
NG Native grassland (409)
URB Urban and developed areas (427)
UOS Urban Open Space (426)
Sand (425)
Rock (424)
Water (423)